Friday 17 October 2014

SQL throws an error message like cannot select a record in form/table,The sql databse has issued an error.

please do the following steps:

)According to the error message either the location C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\40\Server\UAT\Log\ is not accessible or the account is not having sufficient permission.

have you tried changing the default location of the SQL log file and check if you are experiencing the error messages or not.

2)You have to restart the sql server reporting services on the server. For this type services.msc on run on your server and enter then restart the sql server reporting services. This may serve your purpose.

3)Run a full database synch on all of your tables.
Admin > Periodic > SQL administration > Table Actions > Synchronize database

 when the data in a test instance is refreshed from the production environment and the definition of a table in the test environment has been altered. In this case you should be able to fix the problem by resynchronizing. This process will modify the SQL table to match the definition in AX.

To resynchronize, go to System Administration>Periodic>SQL administration. I always select “All Tables” and under table actions click on “Check Synchronize.” This will take a few minutes to run. During the process you may get warnings. Read the warnings carefully and consider the implications before you tell it to continue. 

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