Tuesday 22 August 2017

how to add a label in d 365

always add label in label fields and help text.

1. go to label in AOT
2. drag the label which you want to edit in your project.
3.right click on the label and click open
4.click new and add label ID , label and description.
5. save the label
6.go to the field and like on search button and paste the label which you made right now and you might get many search results.

7.select the newly created label ID and click on paste.

best pratcise for assigning constant in d365


                                numLP       = pass.lookupNum(#Qty);
                                const int userfinalQty = 1;       //declare the variable where it is needed to be used
                                finalQty    = userfinalQty;
                                finalUnitId = any2str(pass.lookup(#UOM));
                                pass.insert(#QtyReceived, numLP);

process of receiving transfer order in d 365

go to inventory management and click on transfer order and create a new transfer order

from warehouse 11
to warehouse 24

select item as A1 reserve all

click on generate picking list

select update all and click ok

then click on picking list registration  and select the line and click on update all

then refresh the page and click on ship transfer order

log in to the mobile device using user name and password and go to the inbound and click on transfer receive

Monday 21 August 2017

classes used during purchase recieve and transfer receieve in Advance warehouse management

for transfer order receiving(advance warehouse management) in the mobile application

WhsWorkExecuteDisplayTOReceiving << displayform

for purchase order receiving(advance warehouse management) in the mobile application


debugging in d365

following settings are needed to be made so that code debugging can be done

Thursday 17 August 2017

Restore clean Demo data

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio 
  2. Create new query on the top node 
  1. Run the following query 

DECLARE @DatabaseName nvarchar(50) 
SET @DatabaseName = N'AxDBRAIN' 

DECLARE @SQL varchar(max) 
SET @SQL = '' 

SELECT @SQL = @SQL + 'Kill ' + Convert(varchar, SPId) + ';' 
FROM MASTER..SysProcesses 
WHERE DBId = DB_ID(@DatabaseName) AND SPId <> @@SPId 


-- Restore snapshot 
restore database AxDBRAIN from Database_snapshot = 'AxDBRAINInitialDataState' 

  1. If you can't login after this, then run the following script: 
update USERINFO 
set SID = 'S-1-19-1389536940-3857197118-2727713988-698496524-3874995910-1598698826-400483830-1280886117-2147114868-3359996204', 
NETWORKDOMAIN = 'https://sts.windows-ppe.net/', 
NETWORKALIAS  = 'tusr1@TAEOfficial.ccsctp.net ', 
IDENTITYPROVIDER = 'https://sts.windows-ppe.net/' 
where ID = 'Admin' 
and Partition = '5637144576'

Sunday 13 August 2017

Set up a new VM in d365

rior to that we need to have access for

AX Pre-Release Test Development Vend
AX Pre-Release Development Vend RamWeb access:

1.raise a new request new VM at  clicking on new >>custom create >>

once it is completed in will queued and once it is approved it will be in ready mode.

normally it takes 1 days for getting the VM after processing in the Queue.


2.Once it is getting approved then connect to RDP

3. go to the Rainmain drive select enlistment and run as admin

create a folder called Cache in the Rainmain drive

copy the path of cache folder   E:\Cache

4. open Corext run as admin   and pass E:\Cache and click on enter

5. it will prompt yes or no select yes and press enter . once it is done you will get window like this.
6.close the corrext window
7.re open the corrext window by run as admin

type command "Lastgoodbuild"  and press enter.


it will information like:
Latest good builds in rainmain
redmond: [7.2.1862.0] Drop: [\\dcsrdbldcfsb\Build02\RainMain\7.2.1862.0]

sd sync -w ...@7.2.1862.0

copy the number for the cmd command prompt

1. build nuke 
   Search for good build using Lastgoodbuild command
2. sd sync -w ...@7.2.1864.0 
3. Close and open corext
4. deploy -build 7.2.1864.0 -buildDrop \\dcsrdbldcfsb\Build02\RainMain -installBI 0 -installRetail 0 -installMR 0

Please wait for deployement as it might take more than 1 hr.

sign in visual studio if it prompts you to log in.

Now the deployment is successful and you can open the visual studio.

Thursday 10 August 2017

select janus for check in and check out in d 365

go to dynamics 365 >> option>>source control>>under plug in selection >> select janus

and press ok .

now you will get option like sd edit

before all this steps we need to install janus on our PC.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

how to get the value from the map

say pass is map and you have inserted some value in the map and then you want to locate a key value by this name

use :

string    UOM;

 UOM =  pass.lookup(#CurrentUOM);

difference between lookup and lookupstr is that if no value found then lookup will throw error message where as lookupstr won't.

you can also use like that


Wednesday 2 August 2017

locate AOS services in d 365

go to command prompt
search for IIS  the click on it expand VM under VM you will find AOS services

and in the dead right end you will find stop , start and restart option

if any thing is gray out that means currently it is in that node.

intercompany PO multiple product receipt by x++

public void processStampICPO(PackingSlipId _deliveryNote,                             Transdate _deliverydate,                             ...